Apr 30 2014
Breaking News! Little Farah Birdnapped by Nafarious Duo!

Breaking news this afternoon from Springfield airport!!!
Little Farah Flamingo, the niece of Pinkley and Franchesca Flamingo, birdnapped in broad daylight from the airport lobby. Details are sketchy but airport police say everyone should be on the lookout for little Farah ... she's described as being pink, with pink feathers and a pinkish complexion. The only clue to her disappearance, police say, is this EXCLUSIVE
surveillance video you'll see only right here. Be warned — sensitive viewers should leave the room before clicking play!
Ummm, ummm, ummm, just look at that, can you believe it? Look! Look at that! Terrible! There she is ... perched on top of the art kiosk in the airport lobby! Police say the suspects are believed to be male, about five feet tall, and wearing dark uniforms. Look at that?! can you believe it?!!!! (#soconcerned) .... You're looking at video of two men ... kidnapping Farah Flamingo from Springfield airport ... (#doh!) Well...I've seen many videos of evildoers in my time but this just takes the cake. Could this be a trend?! We'll explore that angle of this DEVELOPING story when we come back ... Ummm, ummm, ummm ...look at that ... can you believe it (#OMG!) ... We'll be right back after this break ...