Jan 01 2014
All Dressed Up and No Place to Go!
In which Pinkley learns about festive holiday drinks
This stunning portrait of Pinkley and Franchesca was snapped on New Year’s Eve just as Roxie the Haberdasher stitched the last threads on their New Year’s party attire. It was at this point that Pinkley realized they didn’t have a party to go to …
No worries. Anticipating this oversight Franchesca had made reservations at a famous restaurant she’d heard about. It served catfish and that sounded like a yummy New Year’s treat!
But as soon as they were seated they discovered a problem –– the menu also offered chicken! And some sort of festive holiday drink called “eggnog.” Mustering his courage Pinkley asked the waiter what was in eggnog. The waiter told him. Pinkley felt dizzy.
“Oh, my! Franchesca! What sort of restaurant have we come to?!”
It was at this moment that Pinkley failed to duck. A throwed roll hit his head and down he went, banging his noggin on the table before hitting the floor and passing out.
Franchesca had to agree … maybe this wasn’t the best place for them to come to. Regardless, she ordered catfish-to-go and back to the airport they went for the rest of the evening.
Next New Year’s they’ll find a party to go to …