Jul 13 2017
What do you call a selfie of your feet — a footsie? Never mind …
Feet selfies are a popular social media thing. But when people do it at this airport it usually has more to do with the carpet.
Yes, the terminal carpet has become a social media thing, but it hasn’t always been so …
Back in 2009, when the terminal opened, one crank disliked the carpet so much he wrote a letter to the editor: the carpet triggers vertigo!!!
The newspaper printed it. Hook. Line. Sinker.
These days haters are few and far between. Oh, they’re still out there occasionally, but the carpet seems to have grown on folk.
Instagram is where the carpet typically shows up. We’ve included a sampling, along with an image from a brochure we printed when the terminal was being built. It explains what the carpet is all about, along with the rest of the building’s architectural details.
Be sure to read the comments that accompany the photos. You’ll note some people mention “PDX carpet.”
Portland International Airport (PDX) is the airport in Portland, Oregon. The carpet there is also a thing. You can check it out here.